Monday, February 24, 2014

Helping Others

Helping others while they are in need! 

This weekend, I traveled to Lancaster with Darryl.  He was going to a men's conference and his parents live in the area.  So I traveled along with him and was given the great blessing of helping them out for a few hours.  Nothing major.  Just things they know they need help with at their place.  They have learned the valuable lesson in their many years and one that I had to learn while I had RSD.  I wasn't that good at it and think I need to be reminded of this lesson.

While I had RSD, I was the one needing help and now I can help others.  The lesson learned is...someone needs to be God's people in need!

Romans 12:13a

Share with the Lord’s people who are in need. 

Some of us believers are more than willing to help those of God's people and those who aren't even God's people when they are hurting.  

And usually, we are always more than willing to help out!  

However, if God is commanding us to help HIS people who are hurting, we see that he knows that some of His beloved are going to be hurting and need help. 

The problem lies in God's people in need.  Our pride says...I can take care of myself.  Our Creator says...sometimes MY people need help!  

Who of us ever wants to step up and say...I need help?  Not many.  Its definitely a point of pride.  

What if you know someone needs help?  There is a fine line between being pushy and helpful.  I'm sure I cross that line sometimes.  The least effective thing to say to someone whom you know needs help is to say: 

If you need anything, please call me.  They won't call you, I can almost guarantee! I know. I've not called.  
But, if you stop by for a visit and say...can I vacuum, wash these dishes up, fold laundry. You will get a better response from someone if you are there and ready to help.  Making a meal is huge so make sure you get on the meals ministry list at your church.

Also, don't forget the person who is caretaker for the one in need.  Their life is now much harder because they are trying to juggle their responsibilities with the responsibilities of the one in need.   And sometimes, going to the one in need first and saying, can I do something for your spouse? They will often see a need for their spouse than for themselves.  We have received those kinds of blessings also.  A mowed lawn.  Weeding.  Raking leaves.   

There has to be a balance of course.  We need to do what we can for ourselves and not always will we need help.  But, we need to learn to put our pride aside and say...I need help.  Otherwise, we can be denying someone else the rich blessing like I received the other day when I was able to help mom and dad Haag.  And as I worked, I was reminded often of all the help they have been to me over the years and I realize that my husbands parents and others were blessed by helping me too!  Its such a two way street, this living life together, isn't it? 

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