Friday, November 5, 2010

Sleep stealing culprits

Sleep! Is it as hard for you to get to sleep some nights as it is for me?  There are nights that I can not hold my eyes open by about 2 am.  :)  And then, other nights, I try the same things and stay awake half the night! 
I've talked about wind as a sleep stealing culprit .  What other things are culprits in your world of sleep? 

Caffeine can steel my sleep easily!  But, that's a common issue.

Another culprit to my sleeplessness is:   a social event late at night!  I guess I should expand on that one.  I have noticed that if I am out socially and I get 'riled' up, as in laughing, carrying on, talking a lot, I guess dancing would be among them if I could/would dance.  Going to a movie with my husband doesn't usually bother me because its not much different than watching a movie at home.  But, if it were a loud, action filled movie, it may keep me up.
A concert would definitely bother me!  I Have been to a total of maybe TWO concerts in my 15yr life w/RSD.  It was one of the activities that I cut out when I was first dxed to keep my pain as low as possible.  I have found it painful and the after affect pain is worse.
  Any kind of travel also causes sleep deprivation.  I wonder if I should get some sleeping pills for those nights I really need/want to do something and know it could keep me awake.  Doesn't matter how tired I get because of said activity...

Why would this happen do you think?   IMHO...I believe that our nerves get 'fired' up whenever we are active.  Do you notice it being harder to 'settle' down after being really active?  You are so so incredibly tired, but still can't sleep!  I have found I must relax IN BED for a long while before actually getting to sleep. So, why don't I go to bed earlier, take my meds, read or watch tv in bed till hubby comes to bed.  Hmmm....cause now we don't have cable in our bedroom and those dumb shows I want to watch are on till 11!  Thats typically why! But, I do hope to work my way earlier and earlier.  Right now, I fall asleep about 2, sometimes 3. On a rare occasion, I can fall asleep before 1am!

 Oh, and what if I go to bed early and having forgotten to put the dog out one last time?  I get up, go put him out and the nerves are starting to rev up again and it takes even longer.  I hate when I'm just about asleep for a nap and then must get up again!  The nap is sometimes a lost cause! 

Thanks for listening...and if you have anything you have figured out as a sleep stealing culprit please share it with us.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Oh my aching legs

My legs have been aching lately.  It seems like all the time anymore.  I lay in bed the other night and oh did they ever hurt.  Not really painful...just almost painful. So terribly uncomfortable that I couldn't sleep.  I had to take a bath to relieve the pressure on them, relieve the...ok...pain.  It worked. I wasn't in the tub for long when I was falling asleep.  I wish I had a blanket that I could just wrap around me that would alleviate this pressure! Wouldn't that be wonderful!?

Have you noticed that the changing of the Barometric Pressure bothers you?  I can get all kinds of issues that come along with the changing of seasons esp.   Like my leg aches!  Or, my whole body will ache! I'm noticing that it's a lot less of a problem since I've been on Cymbalta.  They say that's for Fibromyalgia, but one of the pains I've suffered from has been Fibromyalgia-like.  When I saw their commercial that explains Fibromyalgia it all clicked why some docs tried to say that's what I have.  Because it's the over-firing of the nerves in your muscles!  Makes sense, doesn't it, that our muscles ache like that too since RSD is the over-firing of  those same nerves (sympathetic) but for us, it's muscles, blood vessels, skin, organs, hair...

Anyway, to help when the barometric pressure gets to me, I hit the tub.  The water has to be 95 degrees or more so just going to a pool, etc doesn't really help.  I so would love to have a hot tub! With a tv!  oh what a dream! I used to have a soaking tub (and tv)which was mighty helpful!  We were going to put one in our new/old house but have decided with finances the way they are to hold off.  So this tub will have to do! 

To get the water up high enough in the tub to actually cover oneself and help:  I sometimes turn the water outlet cover upside down so it gives me a few more inches of water.  I also have a plastic outlet cover that does essentially the same thing.  It's easy to pop onto the outlet and off again to let the water out. 

I also found out yesterday why people with crowns shouldn't bite down on hard caramel!  Has anyone else had a lot of dental work since having RSD?  With the dry mouth from meds, etc my teeth have started rotting away!  I had a mouth of silver before RSD and now (granted I am getting old and so, this may have happened anyway) I only have one or two silver fillings left!  That's a treat!   But, I have recently learned about a gel that one puts on your gums and tongue and it keeps them moisened for a long time.  I keep it in my purse and pull it out when needed.  It's called BIOTENE.  Check that out!

Proverbs 21:23

Those who guard their mouths and their tongues keep themselves from calamity.