Monday, April 15, 2013

1yr + 2mo+ 2wk

I LOVE SPRING!  I always have but this year, its just even sweeter I think because when I'm outside I'm not aching to get back to bed!  I can sit and enjoy the birds singing, bunnies and squirrels etc.  Now my biggest problem is sitting still for long, there's so much to do!  I need to learn to sit still.  Reminds me of the struggle we had teaching our youngest to SIT STILL!  Hmm, was she more like her momma than I ever realized! :)  

When we moved here 7 years ago this month, I loved seeing the plants coming into bloom.  When you move in winter there is this blessing that comes with Spring and Summer that you don't think about before the move.   If you chose a house in the winter, you really have no idea what beauty lies just under the surface of the dirt!  But as the weather warms up, the flowers start blooming and its like a gift!

Yes, we've lived here before but it's been six years since I've experienced a spring in this house and I was a miserable bitter sick old woman at that point in my life.  I enjoyed the flowers etc but I was not enjoying my creator that made the flowers also.

Things have changed so much since those days!

As I'm sitting here typing this I'm reminded how much my life has been like a garden.  I had grown cold and barren like the winter.  But our Creator knew that with a little sunshine (worship and prayer), water as in spring rain (scripture) and my soul could sing once again and produce fruit.

My life when we last lived in North Wales was one of bitterness, anger, hurt, taking everything personally.  The Lord moved us to Pittsburgh to do a work in our life.  He wanted to move me out of the winter in my soul to spring!  THANK YOU JESUS!

My latest discoveries on the physical front are:

My hands have grown accustomed to clapping again.  So I'm able to clap along in church if I want!  It's taken a year for me to finally be able to join in clapping for a whole song.  Well, at least for most of it because half the time one hand seems to be in the air reaching for my Savior!

I've just realized that maybe just maybe my husband can now take me to Italy.  Or Hawaii (although we don't have much desire to go there).

I can miniature golf again!  Can't wait!  Amusement park anyone?  That was one thing that hubby wasn't too sad that I couldn't do while having RSD.

And then there's swimming with hubby in the ocean again!  Did get to do that once last summer!  Looking fwd to it again!  What blessings the Lord is bestowing on me!

To God be the Glory, great things HE HAS DONE!