Saturday, October 30, 2010

Electric buzz

I wrote the other night about the wind being so is tough to deal with and the doctors all say their offices are full the day after a windy night. It causes most RSDers such discomfort that lots of people run to the doctors. I'm not saying that they need not go; however, I have never gone to the pain doc except when I have an appt. I have never felt it necessary. I tend to believe that the RSD is something that takes my common sense and knowledge of my body along with the modalities the doctors use to keep me stable. There are factors of life that I encounter; sound, light, vibration, wind, weather, commotion are all things that can make my pain worse. These can all cause flairs. I have found that what I need to do is ride them out and do what I can to alleviate the pain myself. There are a lot of times that I have to limit my activities, take a bath, keep myself calm and quiet, etc and I can get myself out of a flair.

For windy nights and days when the barometric pressure causes me pain, I go into the bathtub. I had a soaking tub in one house and would actually sleep in the tub. I found that under the water, the pressure was relieved, my body would relax and I fell asleep. I cannot fall asleep too often in the tub anymore, but I do get groggy enough and warm enough to go back to bed and sleep.

I also have a set of those 'AS SEEN ON TV" leg air wraps that blow up and put pressure on your legs, it cycles on and off for about twenty minutes. I'm not sure if it’s the pressure on my legs helping the pain or that the noise of the pump lulls me to sleep. Whatever it is, I love them! I got them when they were being sold on clearance for $5 at a drug store! Ha-ha!!! My daughter thought I was nuts but man do they help me out! he he! I love when those clearance items that are such a good deal that I cannot pass up are actually good deals! Cause, face it, how often are those good deals actually worth anything?

I digress... anyway...Yesterday; I was lying in bed during an awful bit of wind and actually felt an electrical buzz all over my body. It didn't hurt, just felt like tiny little zaps, on almost all the nerve endings of my body. Weird, that was a new occurance! I also had a migraine...cannot remember if they coincided or not. I did one of those little urps (my dad's word) where you think you are about to throw up and then, it goes back down? I had a phone call soon after that happening. When I got off the phone, I could see those jagged intense light that I see when I get a migraine..., which explains the urping up I had done. This time I was able to keep it from getting really really bad.

I cannot figure out what’s been causing these Migraines I‘ve had this year. A long time ago I got them. Back then, there had to be a few 'ducks in a row' for me to get a migraine. I will have to do a little sleuthing to figure out what are the ducks that have to line up for me When I used to get them, one of the ducks was that shampoo line 'Aussie". The others were: I had to be over tired, overheated, have pms. My friends all stopped using Aussie, esp. the hairspray around me.  Wasn't that so sweet of them?! It still warms my heart to think I had friends willing to do that for me.  At the time, Aussie was THE product to use!   

It may not seem like a big deal to us when we do a good deed like that for someone else, but it can be a big deal to them.  l still remember that my friends were willing to do that for me and it was almost twenty years ago!

Never underestimate the beauty of a good deed.

Hebrews 10:24

And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds.

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